Academic Info
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Academic Resources

The academic calendar is the official University document listing the major academic dates for the academic year. The academic calendar is maintained by the Office of Faculty Affairs and Development.
Note: The calendars are subject to change. Calendar updates will be posted on the academic calendar site.

Need to add or drop a course? Plan to change your major? Plan to submit your graduation date? Find all these forms and more to help guide you through your academic career.

The Academic Catalog provides a wealth of information to make your expereince at Dominguez Hills be easier. The catalog discusses degree requirements, course descriptions, campus policies, services, and more. Use this as a guide to to help plan and schedule your future semseters. Current students can find more information about their courses using Course Search.
Note: Information on the academic catalog is subject to change on a yearly basis. Information about previous catalogs can be found on the University Catalog Archive
Academic Support
The College of Arts & Humanities's Student Success Center is the vital contact point for all new and continuing students pursuing their major. The SSC is an environment where students receive academic planning, holistic support, and connections to resources. Services include: Class registration, general education, lower-division transfer credit, graduation, and more. Vist the Student Success Center.
Office of Undergradute Research (OUR)
The mission of the Office of Undergraduate Research is to enhance undergraduate student participation in research, contributing to the improvement of student outcomes by developing and supporting faculty-mentored original investigation within and beyond the curriculum. To achieve this mission, we conduct programs and events that facilitate research opportunities and experiences for CSUDH undergraduates in all disciplines, class levels and backgrounds.

Toro Learning and Testing Center
The TLTC offers a variety of academic support to all currently enrolled and matriculated California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) students. Join us in our mission of creating a supportive community that develops and successfully supports lifelong learners.

The CSUDH Writing Center supports students at all levels as they prepare, draft, and revise their writing for various courses, departments, and programs. To promote in students both a positive disposition to help-seeking and a confident writer self-identity, the Writing Center fosters a safe, nurturing, and equitable space where members of the DH community can share, discuss, draft, and revise their writing as part of a community of writers.