Art & Design

For more information about the university's response to COVID-19, go to the Toros Together Page


Art and Design Department 

Welcome to a new academic year, 2024 – 2025!

Hello!  On behalf of the department of Art and Design, I would like to welcome you to a new academic year.  The Art and Design department has experienced tremendous growth in recent years, and we are feeling these growing pains.  Most classes are full and many have waitlists.  We will do our best to accommodate students and help you get the courses you need, but there will be limitations to what is possible.

Our department’s website is undergoing a redesign and reconstruction, so the information contained here is limited.  Most importantly, Faculty and Staff contact information will be found here as well as a list of major advisors for each of the three B.A. degree programs in our department.

We look forward to serving our students and to another successful academic year!


Ellie Zenhari (Department Chair)

Location and Mailing Address:

Art and Design Department
LaCorte Hall, LCH A-111
CSU Dominguez Hills
1000 E. Victoria St., Carson, CA 90747

College of Arts and Humanities

Phone number: (310) 243-3389

The Art and Design Department Office:

As we begin the Fall 2024 semester, the Art and Design department office will hold normal business hours. Email is still the best way to contact and communicate with a member of the department.  If you do need to call, though, the number is (310) 243-3310.  The College of Arts and Humanities phone number is (310) 243-3389.

The primary contact in the office is our Admin. Coordinator, Jacqueline Linares. 


Other Departmental Staff:

Greg Mocilnikar –         Instructional Support Technician – Art

Karen Mossiah –             Instructional Support Technician - Design

Bachelor of Arts degrees.

B. A. in Art

with the existing prefix ART (in the catalog search “Art”)

B. A. in Art History

with the prefix of ARH (in the catalog search “Art History”) 

B. A. in Design

with the prefix DGN (in the catalog search “Design”) 


Make sure to meet with the advisors in your area for updates and graduation requirements, as many course numbers and prefixes are changing to reflect this exciting new change. 

Art Degree:    

Jim Keville


Devon Tsuno


Jimena Sarno


Art History Degree:    

Dr. Kirstin Ellsworth - 


Design Degree:         

Michele Bury


Ellie Zenhari



Generally speaking, e-mail gives you the best way to contact us. Of course, if you have a question regarding your Art and Design classes, you should contact your instructor directly. If you want more general information and want to e-mail the department, it’s a good idea to include our office administrator and the department chair. General advising questions can be directed to department chair, Jim Keville. See contact information below and one of us will get back to you as soon as possible.

Department Full-Time Faculty

Michele Burymbury@landaiztc.comDesign - Sabbatical (F23)
Dr. Kirstin Ellsworthkellsworth@landaiztc.comArt History
Jim Kevillejkeville@landaiztc.comArt
Jimena Sarnojsarno@landaiztc.comArt
Aandrea Stangastang@landaiztc.comGallery Director/ Art History
Devon Tsunodtsuno@landaiztc.comArt
Ellie Zenhariezenhair@landaiztc.comDesign / Photography

Department Faculty Lecturers

D. (Steve) Andersondanderson@landaiztc.comPhotography
Amir Arzanian
Zeina Baltagi
Daniela Campinsdcampins@landaiztc.comArt
Aaron Estradaaaestrada@landaiztc.comArt
Adriana Rivera Garciaadgarcia@landaiztc.comDesign
Vladimir Goryachevvgoryachev@landaiztc.comArt
Elmer Guevara
Zelda Harrison
Arian Johnson
Kellan Kingkking50@landaiztc.comArt
Zara Kuredjianzkuredjian@landaiztc.comArt
Barbara Mendozabmendoza@landaiztc.comArt History
Gregory J. Mocilnikargmocilnikar@landaiztc.comGE ART 101
Philip Otto
David Parsonsdparsons@landaiztc.comArt
Maece Seirafi-Najarmseirafinajar@landaiztc.comDesign
James Scarboroughjscarborough@landaiztc.comGE ART 100
Ingrid Steineristeiner@landaiztc.comArt History/GE
Bonita R. Tanakabtanaka@landaiztc.comDesign
Di Xu
Aaron Perry Zuckeraperryzucker@landaiztc.comDesign

University Art Gallery:

About the Gallery

The CSU Dominguez Hills University Art Gallery serves the campus and broader community as a laboratory for contemporary art and design practices, presenting exhibitions and programming. The University Art Gallery is deeply committed to building a creative and innovative art and design culture that celebrates artists and engages audiences.

Admission is free.


Monday – Friday: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Also available by appointment.


The gallery is on the first floor of LaCorte Hall, LCH A-107


Available now 

Email: Gallery Director/Faculty

Aandrea Stang

Two of our Instructional Support Technicians will be present on campus most weekdays in LaCorte Hall (LCH) during the Fall 2023 semester.  They will be available to help students check out equipment and/or pick up materials and supplies plus any additional instructional support students may need. 

Melissa Duarte (Admin. Coordinator)
Greg Mocilnikar (IST Studio Art)
Karen Mossiah (IST Design)

Student advising for the majors can take place in person or remotely, via video meetings. If you need advising in the major you may contact one of your primary advisors to request an appointment. All instructors will have office hours that will be announced in individual courses. Students can coordinate with their advisors to meet in person or remotely.  The following are the primary advisors for each Art and Design B.A.:

B.A. in Art option:

Jim Keville:

Devon Tsuno:

Jimena Sarno:

B.A. in Art History:

Dr. Kirstin Ellsworth (

B.A. in Design:

Michele Bury (

NOTE: Michele Bury is on sabbatical, Unavailable Fall 2023

Ellie Zenhari ( - Design & Photography advisor

From our Chair, Jim Keville

Please continue to practice healthy habits. Wash hands frequently. If you are sick or are showing symptoms, self-quarantine and seek medical attention if needed. Campus visits must adhere to all the university, local and state Covid-19 safety guidelines.

Mask wearing are optional in all labs and studios.

For all majors:

Please pay attention to your instructors Canvas posts, and/or contact them directly by email.